
I'm a firm believer in your competences and I'm convinced that you bring with you everything you need for the best possible solution - be it as an individual or team.

Coaching can be a supporting element for rediscovering and making optimum use of your existing strengths and value structures.


My work is based on a trauma informed approach , according to a body and attachment oriented trauma therapy training in SEI® - somatic emotional integration - by Dami Charf.

In addition I make use of systemic, solution oriented methods as well as NLP techniques (neuro-linguistic programming), wingwave® coaching and constellation work (systemic coaching).

Finding ways...

Adoptee coaching: Being an adoptee myself, I support adult adoptees in navigating their adoption experience through all the different stages: Coming "out of the fog" as well as reunion or acknowledgement of the impact that adoption had on our lives - these are challenging steps. Finding somebody who shares the experience and can understand and support you (with a trauma informed background) through things that you might not even have words for (yet) can be extremely helpful.


Systemic Coaching and constellation work, including IoPT ("identity oriented psychotrauma therapy" as developed by Prof. Franz Ruppert) are important methods in my toolbox. Especially for adoptees the combination of a traumainformed and systemic approach is extremely beneficial.


I'm a big fan of  wingwave® coaching , which is a highly effective short term coaching concept.  It combines established and scientifically proven coaching elements and can be used to enhance emotional stability and overcome mental or emotional blockades.

wingwave has originally been used primarily in individual coaching settings. Further developments now enable working with groups or teams. Seminar topics include stress reduction, presentation blockades, effective (team) communication, creativity workshops, organisational/family constellation work and many more.

I have a network enabling me to work with other wingwave coaches to meet the need of groups.


Last but not least I often refer to a specific psychographic model according to Dietmar Friedmann, which is the basis for the so called ILP method (integrated solution oriented psychology). This model can help you to better understand your own as well as others' behaviour and to further develop your competences in a targeted and individual way.